What do I offer? From individual treatment or personal training up to classes in groups - find the right thing for your needs:
What are fascia? Fascia are shaping and simultaneously separating tissue layers. They cover every muscle, every bone and all organs. They are permeated by blood and lymph vessels and form the conduction sheath of our nervous system. Accordingly, the proper condition of our fascial connective tissue is of great impotance for health und well-being.
Why do fascia stick together? Why do muscles tense up? One-sided strain, incorrect or protective posture, scar tissue, lack of exercise, or excessive exercise and poor nutrition: all this impairs the function of the fascia - but also constant stress!
Though professional treatment of the muscular pain points the tension in the fascial muscular tissue is reduced. Even emotional tensions can be released. Further more I like to show some stretching exercises. The targeted mobilisation of the fascial connective tissue can have a lasting effect on impaired muscle and joint functions.
- 1x 60 minutes = 45 € | 40 € with class card
- 4x 60 minutes = 160 € | 40 € per massage
Pilates is a joint-friendly workout that works deep into the muscles. The focus is primarily on the core of the body by stabilizing the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles.
One effect is that the spine is trained in its natural shape. In addition, posture improves and other areas (for example the neck) are relieved, which releases tension.
Proper breathing plays a major role. The so-called lateral breathing into the rib arches supports the control of the muscles, expands the chest and thus helps to absorb more oxygen.
The training is also suitable for people with physical limitations, such as knee, hip or back problems. The exercises also have a relaxing effect and reduce your own stress level. Pilates brings body and mind in harmony. Strong mind – strong body!
- 30 min. class = 4€
- 60 min. class = 7€ | card class for 10 times 55€
For more information click here: classes
Move to music! The movement is choreographed to the music and the class includes a healthy mix of Pilates, Yoga, fascia training and targeted stretching exercises. The fascial exercises do not just address one muscle, but entire muscle chains. The movement relates to the characteristics of the fascia, which have both elastic and firm structures. Thus the training is also enhanced with momentum and coordination exercises and there is a final relaxation at the end.
The fascia network in our body gives it structure and shape. Every tiny muscle unit is sourrounded by fascia. Therefore it is even more important that this highly adaptable connective tissue is trained according to this function. Well, than our muscles can work effectively. Fascia training supports the body in its original functions and thus prepares us perfectly for all everyday tasks.
- 30 min. class = 4€
- 60 min. class = 7€ | card class for 10 times 55€
For more information click here: classes
The most common cause of neck, back, shoulder, hip or knee pain is muscular tension and the associated limited mobility. This form of training is intended to restore your agility.
One possibility is to work on the muscles with fascia rolls. The person exercising massages the fascial muscular tissue using various tools and a special technique. Through targeted pressure adhesions between the individual layers in the fascia tissue are loosened. This leads to more blood flow to the muscle, which imroves the supply to the joint, which in turn leads to more relaxation and more mobility.
This effect is increased through special stretching exercises. This particular form of stretching strengthens the muscle at the same time. The person exercising brings the joint to the maximum possible angle and then tenses the corresponding muscle. This allows us to achieve a direct, enormous improvement in mobility.
- 30 min. class = 4€
- 60 min. class = 7€ | card class for 10 times 55€
For more information click here: classes
The classes are in German! Auf YouTube findest du kostenfreie Videos zum Mitmachen. In 10 bis 30 Minuten werden gezielt verschiedene Körperbereiche thematisiert. Einmal geht es z.B. um die Stärkung des Rückens oder um die Mobilisierung des Schulter-Nackenbereichs oder des Kniegelenks.
Für jedes Level ist etwas dabei - besonders für Anfänger!
Hier geht es zu meinem Kanal auf YouTube: Bodytime mit Stef
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